More Than Study Abroad

There is no substitute for the lessons learned by living, 工作和融入不同的文化. 我们屡获殊荣的全球机会(GO)项目促进了对世界的更广泛的看法-以及我们在其中所扮演的角色.

萨斯奎哈纳保证所有学生都有机会在国际上学习. Only one in 10 U.S. college students study abroad, but all SU students do.

Choices and Support

通过我们的GO项目,您将在跨文化环境中远离校园学习. Your options include a semester-long, study-abroad program or a minimum two-week experience 在暑假或寒假期间学习不同的文化.

We make it easier to study abroad:

  • Program choices — Study, intern, 在35个国家开展的70个海外学习项目中进行研究或志愿者工作,这些国家几乎代表了每一个大洲. 大约5%的学生在美国进行了一次出国学习.
  • Affordability — Every student with need receives a scholarship. For a GO Long semester experience, 你将使用与在校上课时相同的一揽子奖学金和经济援助. For students on GO Short 和GO Your Way项目,萨斯奎哈纳每年提供超过75万美元的基于需求的援助.
  • Faculty support — Susquehanna faculty and staff lead GO Short experiences, 并将帮助你为你的GO Long或GO your Way计划做准备.
  • Easy to schedule — Because GO is already part of your four-year curriculum, 你的专业和相关课程将计入你的学位. 在学期休息期间进行短期学习和按自己的方式学习,很容易让你在四年内顺利毕业.
  • Free passport assistance — Every semester, 萨斯奎哈纳通过将护照代理带到校园来帮助学生, helping with the paperwork, arranging passport photos and covering passport fees.

Wider Worldview, Expanded Self

更大的自信和全球意识是你将从海外教育中获得的一些重要成果, 为你一生的个人和职业成功做好准备.

你也会从接触不同的文化中学到有价值的东西. You’ll try foods you’ve never had before, 认识一个新的好朋友,或者从一个新的角度看待你的生活.

Future-proof Your Career

除了提高你的情商,出国留学还有助于启动你的职业生涯. Of students who study abroad:

90% secure a career-related job and earn thousands more

within the first six months after graduation, compared to other graduates, according to an IES Abroad survey.

90% get admitted into their top choice graduate program

出国留学的学生更有可能获得研究生学位, according to a Census Bureau study.

You will gain valuable job skills such as adaptability, communication, cultural training, foreign language proficiency, problem solving and tolerance for ambiguity.



Program Options


GO Short


Go Long

GO Long

Study away from Susquehanna for a full semester, with options to also conduct research, intern or volunteer.

Go Your Way

GO Your Way

Join students from partner schools studying, interning, 在暑假或寒假期间,在一个新的文化中进行研究或做志愿者.

Recognized Program with Successful Students

浩博体育app被授予浩博体育app协会的最高奖项,以促进出国留学机会和提高学生的文化能力,这对我们在全球社会中取得成功至关重要. 浩博体育app被Open Doors评为顶级海外留学项目, 在“价值大学”的30所负担得起的大学中有最好的出国留学项目吗, 被Intelligent评为全国最佳留学文理大学.com.

萨斯奎哈纳GO项目的实力也影响了学生在追求和获得著名的本杰明A的成功. Gilman International Scholarships, enabling them to study in places such as Cyprus, England, Ghana, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain and South Korea. After graduation, 许多学生继续攻读国际研究生学位, and others have received a highly competitive Fulbright Award to study, teach or conduct research abroad.

Intercultural Competence

完成Global Opportunities的经验是萨斯奎哈纳独有的学位要求. The GO program guides Susquehanna students, 教师和工作人员在跨文化的经验,学术参与他们了解我们的多样化和相互联系的世界.

Through completion of a GO experience, 你将展示对文化的复杂理解,使你能够:

  • Recognize and reflect on your own culture, 种族中心主义假设和文化之间的异同.
  • 认识到自己的身份和行为在不同的文化背景下可能会被不同的理解,并清楚地表达出来.
  • 描述你的跨文化经历如何帮助你理解不同文化背景下的问题.
  • 阐述你的跨文化成长如何丰富你的个人发展, academic development and career readiness.

Preparation and Reflection Courses

除了你将通过跨文化学习学到的东西, study-away experience, GO强调你将通过在GO之前和之后参加的为期七周的校内课程获得什么:

  • In preparation to learn about other cultures, 你将学习一学分的课程,在这门课程中,你将反思自己的文化,并深入了解东道国的文化.
  • Upon your return, 你将学习一学分的课程,在这门课程中,你将反思你的跨文化经历,并能够将其表达给他人, including prospective employers and graduate programs.

Allison Talero '26

Two earn Gilman scholarships to study abroad

June 3, 2024

浩博体育app的两名学生获得了著名的本杰明A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金,使他们在澳大利亚和意大利学习.

23岁的Layren McDannold获得了Susquehanna大学校长Jonathan Green颁发的Dag Hammarskjöld奖.


May 30, 2024

23岁的Layren McDannold被美国公共政策学院授予Anne weexler奖学金.S. Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board. 该奖项将允许麦克丹诺德前往澳大利亚攻读公共政策硕士学位,同时进行气候变化研究.

Emily Hizny stands in front of a bookcase.


May 7, 2024

Emily Hizny is readying for a nearly 5,前往北马其顿参加为期两年的和平队. While in the southern European republic, 希茨尼将被分配到一所小学或中学,在那里她将与一名老师合作教授英语

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